Oghje, i fabricatori di frenu di i freni di l'automobile di i prublemi cumuni di materiali semi-metallu in i pads di frenu.
Semi-metallic formulations for friction materials. Main features: 1. Low cost. 2. A conductività termale alta. 3. Bona resistenza à u vestitu. 4. Adattu per e cundizioni di frenu pesanti.
5. Adesione forte, micca faciule à rusticà. After corrosion, the adhesion or damage is two-layer, and the wear is aggravated.
Percentage volume is a very correct unit for measuring friction materials. Ingegneri formulari duverà piglià l'iniziativa per capisce e proprietà fundamentali di versini còmici, HWally, capriccio, capiscenu chjacà l'effetti charche in e materiale di vince in i micro e funzioni di pietra friction materials. Now, according to the understanding of automobile brake pad manufacturers, most formula design tests are based on the component ratio. In order to avoid the lack of fundamental data on the function of the raw material, it is theoretically difficult to express the connection between the number of ingredients in the formula and the conflicting functions in a simple and clear formula, such as mixing time, pressure time, pressure pressure, holding time and degassing time, grinding method, two layers of material, data and other factors can affect the braking function anytime and anywhere during the braking process. As regards the formulation itself, it is not correct to determine the proportions of the various ingredients by theoretical means, nor can we quickly derive direct quantitative links between the formulation and the function, which depend primarily on accumulated experience over a long period of time.
Tempu post: 19-2025